The simply operating: training the operator according to the instruction for using, easily learn and easily operating. 操作简单化:按操作使用说明书培训操作员,易学易用。
Has operator received pump instruction and operations manual? 操作者是否收到泵说明书和操作手册?
Are operator instruction/ visual controls available and adhered to at each work station? 操作指导书/目视控制是否具备并附于相应的每个工作岗位?
Another operation mode in this level is: the operator designates the target to be attacked, and the mission system will plan the flight route and flight operation instruction automatically, control the UCAV autonomously by the flight control system for flying to the optimum area for attacking. 或者由操作员指定攻击目标后,任务系统自动规划飞行轨迹和飞行操作指令,由飞控系统控制UCAV自主飞行到最佳攻击区域完成对目标的攻击。
The microprocessor mainly consists of controller, operator and registers, and have the basic functions of instruction control, operation control, time control and data process. Its instruction length is 16 bits. 该微处理器主要由控制器、运算器和寄存器组成,具有指令控制、操作控制、时间控制和数据加工等基本功能,其指令长度为16位定长,采用立即寻址和直接寻址两种方式。
Every peripheral unit controlled 16 munitions located 20m away from it. Operator sent information into central unit according to armament function, and decoded instruction was sent into peripheral unit to control power supply device, and command armament blast. 每个外设单元控制与它相连接20m远的16路军备,操作员根据军备功能决定传送信息给中央单元,经解码后传送指令到外设单元并控制电源设备、指挥军备的爆炸。
The operator inputs voice commands by MIC and then the vehicle-mounted system completes the corresponding instruction operation according to the identify result. 操作者通过麦克风输入语音指令,识别后传送给车载系统,完成相应的指令操作。